
Voice Call Marketing

Send Voice Call From Your Number without using your mobile..

Voice Call services allow mobile marketers to reach out to their clients with an automated, pre-recorded, and on-point business message over integrated voice call applications.

Using technological developments in cloud telephony, voice calls can be sent to the entire target audience with a single click, making the process hassle-free for the business.


What Voice Can Do For Your Business

Customize language and messages to target customers who reside anywhere in India.
Cloud telephony technology to cut all hefty charges and additional fees.
Streamline all the calls, easily manage and execute campaigns successfully.
Schedule calls depending on your audience availability.
Brand message through voice calls have a higher penetration among audiences.
Calling prove to an effective interaction channel with your customers.

Instant Approval

Caller ID Direct Approval

DLT or DND Not Required

No Legal Proof Needed

No Template Approval Required

No Penalty

No Additional Charges